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Letting Our Stories Be Told - HBP Stories

Take a few minutes to listen to our storytellers share their personal experiences living with hypertension.

Learn About High Blood Pressure and Other Chronic Conditions

Do you or someone you know have high blood pressure? Find out what it is, how to avoid it, and how to manage it in our educational documents below. Then test your knowledge with our quick quiz on each subject.

Key Facts About High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because most of the time people do not experience symptoms.


Untreated high blood pressure can impact your physical health and can lead to conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

Proper treatment and management is key for living with high blood pressure, and can lead to living a long, healthy, and productive life!

Home blood pressure monitoring is a great way to monitor and track your blood pressure. Try using a home blood pressure monitor, document your blood pressure readings, and share your blood pressure readings with your health care provider!

The American Heart Association is a great source for learning about high blood pressure, healthy diet and exercise, and how to manage high blood pressure. Visit the American Heart Association Website.

Additional Information

You can also find additional information about hypertension and managing hypertension on the American Heart Association website.

Find downloadable health information at Answers by Heart.

  • Drink water! That is so important... use your oven and get exercise.
  • I shared my HBP story because it's important and something people ought to be aware of.
  • My blood pressure today is under control... it's wonderful, beautiful!
  • Once I made the changes in my diet and my life, I feel 100% better.
  • Hypertension disproportionately impacts women of color.
  • I have a family so I don't want to die... so I stay on top of my high blood pressure.
  • First thing I did was pop aspirin... second thing I did was slowly make my way down the stairs and call 911... I'm so thankful for that information.

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